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Population-Level Ecological Risk Assessment read online EPUB, DOC, TXT


International in scope and written by experts from around the world, this is the only book of its kind that discusses both the scientific aspects of this topic and the applications of the science to on-the-ground environmental management. It provides a state-of-the-science summary of methods, models, and approaches useful for understanding risks to populations of wildlife and aquatic life. It also includes specific recommendations for advancing the science and practice of population-level ecological risk assessment. The book provides professional assessment scientists, regulators, academic researchers, and advanced students with an up-to-date summary of the current state of this topic., Most ecological risk assessments consider the risk to individual organisms or organism-level attributes. From a management perspective, however, risks to population-level attributes and processes are often more relevant. Despite many published calls for population risk assessment and the abundance of available scientific research and technical tools assessing risks to populations, risk assessors worldwide still have difficulty determining how population level considerations can be integrated into environmental decision-making. Population-Level Ecological Risk Assessment establishes a framework for goals, methods, and data needs for different assessment applications and for integrating population-level risk assessment into risk management decisions. Beginning with a summary of legal, regulatory, business, and other contexts, the book presents population-level ecological risk assessment as an internationally recognized, science-based tool and offers specific recommendations for using this tool to support environmental management decisions. It gives clear, explicit, operational population assessment definitions and explains the relevance of density dependence, genetics, and spatial considerations, as well as applicable lessons from conservation biology and natural resource management. The authors provide a "tool box" of empirical and modeling methods and describe the general approaches, assumptions, data requirements, strengths, and limitations of each method. They establish a working foundation for designing and conducting population-level ecological risk assessments consistent with North American, European, and Japanese risk management approaches. The book concludes by highlighting key considerations needed to improve the scientific quality and interpretation of assessments. Detailed appendices include examples of population-level assessment approaches applicable to specific environmental management contexts, a modeling case study, and a supplemental reading list., Population-Level Ecological Risk Assessment establishes a framework for goals, methods, and data needs for different assessment applications and for integrating population-level risk assessment into risk management decisions. It provides a "tool box" of empirical and modeling methods, and provides a foundation for designing and conducting population-level ecological risk assessments consistent with North American, European, and Japanese risk management approaches. The book highlights key considerations needed to improve the scientific quality and interpretation of assessments. Detailed appendices include examples of population-level assessment approaches applicable to specific environmental management contexts, a modeling case study, and a supplemental reading list.

Population-Level Ecological Risk Assessment by Barnthouse Lawrence W Staff read ebook MOBI, EPUB, DOC

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