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Book That Should Be a Word : A Language Lover's Guide to Choregasms, Povertunity, Brattling, and Other Much-Needed Terms for the Modern World MOBI, FB2


Finally there s a word for it: "Fidgital" excessively checking one s devices. "Martyrmony" staying married out of duty. Author of the highly popular That Should Be a Word feature in the "New York Times Magazine," Lizzie Skurnick delights word lovers with razor-sharp social commentary delivered via clever neologisms. "That Should Be a Word "is a compendium of 244 of Skurnick s wittiest wordplays more than half of them new arranged in ingenious diagrams detailing their interrelationships. Complete with definitions, pronunciations, usage examples, and illustrations, "That Should Be a Word"features words on our obsession with food: "carbiter" one who asserts that someone else cannot be hungry. On social media, like "twiticule" to mock someone in 140 characters. On the modern family, like "brattle" to discuss one s children at great length, which leads to words like "spamily" Facebook or Twitter updates about kids and "spawntourage" a group of approaching strollers. From highlighting the profound financial anxiety of a post-recession society ("bangst") to mocking the hyper-vain celebrity circle that abstains from anything of import ("celebracy"), "That Should Be a Word" delves deep into all the most humorous, and maddening, aspects of life in the 21st century.", Finally there's a word for it: Fidgital --excessively checking one's devices. Martyrmony --staying married out of duty. Author of the highly popular "That Should Be a Word" feature in the New York Times Magazine , Lizzie Skurnick delights word lovers with razor-sharp social commentary delivered via clever neologisms. That Should Be a Word is a compendium of 244 of Skurnick's wittiest wordplays--more than half of them new--arranged in ingenious diagrams detailing their interrelationships. Complete with definitions,? pronunciations, usage examples, and ?illustrations, That Should Be a Word ?features words on our obsession with ?food: carbiter --one who asserts that? someone else cannot be hungry. On? social media, like twiticule --to mock? someone in 140 characters. On the ?modern family, like brattle --to discuss one's children at great length, which leads to words like spamily --Facebook or Twitter updates about kids--and spawntourage --a group of approaching strollers. From highlighting the profound financial anxiety of a post-recession society ( bangst ) to mocking the hyper-vain celebrity circle that abstains from anything? of import ( celebracy ), That Should Be a Word delves deep into all the most humorous, and maddening, aspects of life in the 21st century., Finally there's a word for it: Fidgital -excessively checking one's devices. Martyrmony -staying married out of duty. Author of the highly popular "That Should Be a Word" feature in the New York Times Magazine , Lizzie Skurnick delights word lovers with razor-sharp social commentary delivered via clever neologisms. That Should Be a Word is a compendium of 244 of Skurnick's wittiest wordplays-more than half of them new-arranged in ingenious diagrams detailing their interrelationships. Complete with definitions,? pronunciations, usage examples, and ?illustrations, That Should Be a Word ?features words on our obsession with ?food: carbiter -one who asserts that? someone else cannot be hungry. On? social media, like twiticule -to mock? someone in 140 characters. On the ?modern family, like brattle -to discuss one's children at great length, which leads to words like spamily -Facebook or Twitter updates about kids-and spawntourage -a group of approaching strollers. From highlighting the profound financial anxiety of a post-recession society ( bangst ) to mocking the hyper-vain celebrity circle that abstains from anything? of import ( celebracy ), That Should Be a Word delves deep into all the most humorous, and maddening, aspects of life in the 21st century.

Download book That Should Be a Word : A Language Lover's Guide to Choregasms, Povertunity, Brattling, and Other Much-Needed Terms for the Modern World EPUB, FB2, DJV

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